Ogłoszenie o wprowadzeniu nowego systemu tranzytowego NCTS-P5 na Słowacji

polzug.pl 2 miesięcy temu


Dear Customers,

We would like to inform you about the introduction of a fresh automated transit strategy – the NCTS-P5 project, which develops the existing trans-European transit strategy in its current phase NCTS-P4.
According to the officially confirmed information from the Financial Administration of the Slovak Republic, the NCTS-P5 programme should be launched on 27 July 2024 at 20:00 p.m. As the upgrade should run until 28 July 2024 02:00 a.m., the customs systems will be unavailable at this time.
The introduction of the fresh strategy may have an impact on the timely customs clearance of shipments that are routed through Slovakia – either in export, import or transit mode.
Our customs declaration squad will do everything possible to guarantee this impact is minimal.


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