From 13 September, we would like to invite you to a Symposium and an exhibition on the work of Maciej and Stanislawa Nowicki presented at the NC State School of Architecture in conjunction with the Polish National Institute of Architecture and Urbanism and the Polish American Club of the Triangle.
Friday, September 13, 2024
NC State University
James B. Hunt Library
Raleigh, NC
All food and refreshments kindly provided thanks to the generous support of the Polish-American Club of the Triangle.
Please join us for a day-long symposium and ongoing exhibition on Maciej and Stanislawa Nowicki, two significant figures in American and Polish architecture history. Stanislawa was the first female professor of architecture in the history of the United States, while Maciej collaborated with renowned architects on prestigious projects before his untimely death.
Friday Morning and Lunch Sessions
Session 1: A Conversation with Peter Nowicki, 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
Moderators: Burak Erdim, Ph.D. and Wanda Urbanska
Session 2: Poland and Modernism in North Carolina 12:00 – 1:30 pm
Moderator: David Hill, FAIA
Speakers: Mark Fountain, Ph.D., Philip Szostak, FAIA, and George Smart, HAIA
Sandwiches and refreshments will be provided.
Friday Afternoon Sessions
Session 3: Dorton Arena – Form and Function 1:40 – 2:30 pm
Moderator: Kristen Schaffer, Ph.D.
Speaker: Wayne Place, Ph.D.
Session 4: Nowickis: A Humanist Modernity, 2:45 – 5:00 pm
Moderator: Burak Erdim
Speakers: Grzegorz Piątek; Magdalena Zaborowska, Ph.D.; Lukasz Stanek, Ph.D.
Coffee and tea will be provided.
Friday Evening: Exhibition Opening, Celebration and Reception, 5:00 – 8:00 pm
Exhibition walk: Kacper Kepinski and NCSU Library-Special Collections, 5:00 – 6:00 pm
Opening Remarks: David Hill, FAIA; Mark Hoversten, Ph.D.; Adam Krzywosądzki, Polish Deputy Chief of Mission; Peter Nowicki and members of the Nowicki family; Kacper Kepinski and Karolina Czeczek
Reception to follow
Hors d’oeuvres and refreshments will be provided.
Saturday Morning
Dorton Arena Tour with Wayne Place, Ph.D. 10:00 – 11:30 am
Maciej (Matthew) Nowicki and Stanisława Sandecka-Nowicka and are two significant figures in the history of American and Polish architecture.

She was a talented graphic artist and designer and the first female professor of architecture in the history of the United States. He collaborated – despite his young age – with renowned architects on prestigious projects whose implementation was interrupted by his tragic death. Their story is a fascinating tale of creative passion, their life together, and the possibilities and limitations of the turbulent beginning of the 20th century. The dramatic history of their homeland, their lived experiences, but also a great hope for a better future laid the foundation for an innovative curriculum and architectural designs that changed the history of the profession. By combining the latest building developments with great respect for the local context, their readiness for dialogue and understanding of others, as well as their enormous talent, they created a humanistic modernism that opened the contemporary understanding of architecture to previously unknown realms.
Place and dates
James B. Hunt Jr. Library
1070 Partners Way, Raleigh, NC 27695
Dates: September 13 – September 28, 2024