Planowane zamknięcia w Chorwacji w listopadzie, aktualizacja nr 2 3 miesięcy temu

Dear Customers,

With respect to our erstwhile Newsletter No.108/2024 dated 24.10.2024, we would like to inform you about the following planned closures in Croatia, which we have received from the Railway Infrastructure manager (HŽ) and which will affect our connections between Rijeka -HR and Indjija -RS:

  • On the section between the stations Zvečaj – Oštarije from 29.11.2024 – 05:10 a.m. to 01.12.2024 – 23:59 p.m.

For this reason, delays in planning your shipments to/from Rijeka- Indjija should be taken into account.

Additional trains will be scheduled depending on the capacity of the railway infrastructure in Croatia (HŽ).

If you have any questions regarding the current scheduling of your shipments and transit times, delight do not hesitate to contact our client Service Department.


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