Sytuacja operacyjna po strajku w terminalach w Hamburgu 2 tygodni temu


Dear Customers,

After the weekend, we we would like to supply you with an update on the traffic situation in Hamburg.

Although the terminals are presently operating according to the slot schedules, the number of train hold-ups to Hamburg persists due to overcrowded infrastructure on the Hamburg Port Authority (HPA) side. The confirmation strategy for the disposition arrival to Hamburg is inactive in place. Trains standing idle towards Hamburg are awaiting capacity allocation. This severely restricts the circulation of trains and locomotives, and import trains are besides delayed, as they cannot depart until the export set is unloaded. Unfortunately, this government besides affects the regularity of trains to/from the Ports of Bremerhaven and Wilhelmshaven.

We are continuously monitoring the situation and trying to minimise the impact on our services. Nevertheless, delight let for delays erstwhile planning your shipments.

For circumstantial information, delight do not hesitate to contact our client Service.


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