Strajk pracowników terminali w portach północnoniemieckich - aktualizacja nr 3 2 miesięcy temu


Dear Customers,

following our last newsletter, we would like to inform you about the latest news related to North German ports.

Bremerhaven terminals extended work stoppage from the reported 14:00 until 22:00 yesterday and the port completely stopped accepting incoming trains.

The port of Wilhelmshaven also joined the strike yesterday, they ended it at 7:00 a.m. today.

From the port of Hamburg, we did not announcement any changes compared to the formerly advised strike plan. They ended strike at 7:00 a.m. today.

As a consequence of stopped train operations there is simply a limitation on the railway infrastructure and besides there is an overall limitation in the accessibility of railway corridors due to the number of stopped trains. The circulation of our railway sets is greatly disrupted due to the aforementioned extraordinary events.

We are constantly monitoring the situation and trying to reduce the incurred delays.

Our client service is available for your questions.


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